The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Queer as Folk

I am filled with an enormous sadness due to the conclusion of Queer as Folk. I know, it's ridiculous. But I am! I am so sad. Sad bordering on depressed. I want to see the further exploits and adventures of Brian Kinney. I don't think I have ever been so distraught at the ending of a series. Sex and the City? So over. Friends? Eh. ER? Oh, that's still on the air? Oopsy.

Queer as Folk was just so good! It opened up a whole new world to me. The characters and the actors were just superb. Many people can't see past the massive amounts of sex and drug use to the people below. Once you got beyond the Backroom of Sex and the willing corruption of the 17 year old, you were treated to this heart warming, heartbreaking, heart wrenching story about each person's struggle to figure out who they are and who they need to be. You get to see tremendous emotional growth in Brian and Justin. You get to see increasing confidence in Emmett and Ted. You see Jennifer and Debbie deal with life after their children (or sick brothers) are no longer dependent on them. You see Jennifer learning to accept and embrace her son's life.

Sure, the dialogue is Lucasesque at times and often times the writers go for the easy joke, but it is what is underneath that is so amazing. The actors (especially Randy Harrison and Gale Harold) have this amazing ability to convey so much with their faces and bodies. I mean, they are spouting absolute crap, but their eyes are telling the real story. If you haven't watched, I recommend you do so. Fast forward through the sex if you must. Call me or YayCoffee. We will tell you which are the important episodes/scenes and which you can fast forward through.

And the character growth! Amazing! Well, some characters at least. Brian and Justin are really all that matter, right? You see them grow from being selfish pricks to these thoughtful, caring men. Sure, they are flawed, but who isn't. Besides, watching well adjusted, perfect people would be boring. So many shows as they approach their end do not have continued character growth. Carrie was just as self centered and self destructive at the end of Sex and the City as she was in the first season. And the Friends? They had pretty much all became caricatures of themselves. But QaF? They just kept growing, kept adding layers. Even Hal Sparks managed to add a little depth to Michael, though Mikey will always be a whiny little baby in my eyes.

Plus, there were so many pretty boys too look at.

I am so sad to see my Queer as Folk go away. I shall forever have a Brian Kinney shaped hole in my television view heart.


At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!! *SOB*

I am so glad that another of my RL friends feels this way. I feel like I'm WAY more distressed about QaF's ending than I should be. *SOB*

You totally need to friend Baleheadbabe on LJ. She's your ticket to QaF squee-age and sob-age (and fandom). She's totally great.

I'm gonna link to this post when I do my own. You said a lot of what I want to say.

Guh! *misses QaF like, WOAH!!!*


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