The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Appropriate Porn Viewing

Someone asked me a question about teenagers and porn. Seems the Boy Toy had left behind his extensive porn collection which his younger brothers happened upon. The brothers are now porn watching fiends. She asked what to do about the situation. I of course said that excessive porn watching is foul, disgusting and really lowers my respect level for the viewer. But, my dislike of porn has less to do with viewing sex as a sacred act and more that it is just so demeaning. Sure, they look like they are having fun, and Jenna Jameson and the others make it sound like the greatest thing ever, but I am sure that those women are in the minority. For every Jenna, I am sure there are twenty severly depressed, screwed up girls that are doing it because it is the only solution they see. So to watch them be manipulated for your sexual pleasure seems wrong to me.

But, I dislike porn for the same reason I don't like movies that make fun of fat people or midgets or mentally handicapped people. It is cheap, unimaginative humor. Gross out humor or slapstick humor just doesn't do it for me. This is the reason you will never see me watch a Chris Farley movie, despite my generation's firm belief that he is a comic genius. The misfortunes of others aren't really all that funny to me. Sure, I mock celebrities, but they are making the choice to be in the spotlight. You can be an actress or singer without courting the press. I just don't see how watching a woman have sex with multiple men is a turn on.

So, I told my friend all of the above and told her to ask her sons how they would feel if that were their sister or cousin or mother or friend on that screen. She was considering taking all the videos and burning them. I pointed out that such actions would be silly and benefit no one. She should totally put the big box o' porn on eBay and make some cash? Is it wrong for her to resale porn? Is that contributing to the problem? Someone else made the initial purchase, so the porn industry will make no more money from the subsequent selling of the videos. Besides, it gives me a little thrill that she is going to sell the Boy Toy's porn and buy herself something nice.

I am interested in hearing other people's take on porn. Are there any female readers that like it, and if so why? And how do you reconsile the sexual thrill with the fact that so many of the videos are so demeaning to women? That sounded really judgy. I didn't mean it that way. I just meant, do you not see them as being demeaned or taken advantage of? Or do you feel they made their own choice and why should you feel bad about it. And how much porn watching is too much? And when is the right age to begin porn viewing?

Man, with all the mentions of porn and Jenna Jameson, my Google page rank is going to really go up.


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