The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Friday, August 26, 2005

No A/C Blues

So, for the past week, possibly longer, the A/C at our office has been on the fritz. It isn't so bad in the morning, but, as the temperature outside climbs to the triple digits, the comfort level of my office plummets. It's a relatively small office, but packed with computers and monitors all emiting waves of heat. Around 4 in the afternoon, the heat actually does become translucent wavy lines of torture. Not kidding here.

I really wish they would just let us work from home. I have all the software on my laptop, and my apartment is quite pleasant. Plus, I could have my workspace as brightly lit as I desire. Anyway, the point of this rant is that I got an email last night at 5:30 telling me that due to the extreme heat, we could wear shorts today. This does me no good since I left at 5:15 yesterday. So, I am stuck in my jeans and Bob Ross "Happy Trees" t-shirt. I mean, I look darned cute, but I am going to want to die by noon. Why did I not bring my bags with my to work? Why did I clean all the clothes out of my car last night? See, this is why I always have a ton of crap in my trunk. You just never know when you are going to need to do a quick costume change.


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