The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I am sick. For this, I blame the elephants that live in the apartment above me. Because of their complete and total lack of consideration for their fellow tenants, I have been unable to get a good night's sleep for almost three weeks. I am constantly tired which leads to grumpiness which leads to the Dark Side. Wait, no, that's wrong. What the tiredness really leads to is sickness. Yes. I am officially sick. I have been battling a cold for over a week now. There have been casualties on both sides. It is a brutal, ugly fight, let me tell you. While I am well armed, my defense is really lacking. For that, I only have myself to blame. I don't take medicine. I just don't think about it, really. I will cough and cough and cough. When my throat feels like it might bleed, I will finally suck down some Robitussin. But not before. I don't remember to take my Tylenol Cold and Sinus. The only way that you can really get me to take my medicine like a good girl is if it has some added benefit besides fighting my infection. If, for instance, the medicine will knock me out in mere moments, I am more than willing to take it. If the pill might make me feel especially, um, happy, I will pop it. But for the most part, I just ignore my symptoms.

What is my problem? Why do I do this? I know the Robitussin will make me feel better. I know the Tylenol will help my runny nose. I know the Advil will get rid of my headache. Why don't I take pills and such like I should? Why am I so stubborn?


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Keymaster said...

I'm the same way. I never remember to take the medicine. Why is that?


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