The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Throw down in R-town

So, last night was very exciting. I was peacefully sitting in my living room watching Grey’s Anatomy when all of a sudden there was a Ruckus outside. People were running down the stairs screaming, “Someone is stealing my car! Stop! That’s my car! Call 911!” I hear shouting about someone having a gun. I am a bit frightened. I peak outside of my door as I am on the phone with the police. I see what appears to the slowest getaway EVER. A maroon Taurus is moving VERY SLOWLY down the road as a Cadillac is bumping them from behind. My apartment manager takes off in her little Neon and cuts them off about a block away. People are grabbing lawn furniture and running after the thieves. There is much yelling and mayhem. I hear shouts about “I own that car” and “I have a receipt.” Finally, the cops appear. Shouting continues. Three police cars show up. I still have no real idea what is going on. I am trying to listen through the window, like the noisy girl that I am, but am unable to make out the details.

As I was leaving the apartment this morning, I saw my apartment manager and asked her what happened. Apparently, it was a repossession gone terribly wrong. The repo guys had pushed the Taurus out of the parking lot and used the Caddy to push it to its destination. But who pushes a car to the repo man? You should have a tow truck. And uniforms. The guys didn’t even show their repo papers when everyone thought they were stealing the car. Sounds pretty messed up to me. I would question if these guys were even really on a real repossession or if they were just stealing the car that they were supposed to be taking back. Shady.

The car was not in the parking lot this morning. I don’t know if it is all straightened out or not.


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