The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Amazing Quote from a Survivor

"... I wanted to check in first and let everyone know that Outpost Crystal is still a viable and functioning camp of civilization in the face of the lawless barbarian hordes who threaten at all times to turn what's left of New Orleans into the war of all against all. It's like Mogadishu out there, but we're in a fixed defensive position and prepared."

You can read more postings from survivors on this blog.

I know a lot of people are having difficulty finding sympathy for those that chose to stay behind during the hurricane, but don't be too hard on them. Louisiana is not used to such devastating hurricanes, not like residents of Florida and the islands of the Caribbean. They had no idea things would be so bad. The average person could not have predicted the levies breaking, though I am sure there are some engineers biting back I told you so's. We are talking about their homes and all their worldly possessions. How easy would it be for you to leave behind EVERYTHING, if that was not a choice you had ever faced before? My point is, while those who remained behind when they were able to evacuate obviously made the wrong choice, the damage is done. Blame is not going to help or change anything. We all make bad choices that we never think will turn out as badly as they do. The damage is done, and now it is time to rebuild and salvage what is left.

And as for the looters, I am sure people have seen the pictures of the black woman with the trash bag and 12-pack of Pepsi and the white couple with the bread and other groceries. It is unfair to say the black woman looted while the white couple "found" supplies. They both stole. Justified or not, they BOTH stole. Present it fairly!


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