The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Shows I Am REALLY Looking Forward To

I am all a tingle at the thought of the start of the new television season. Here are the shows I am really looking forward to seeing.

Veronica Mars
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Who is at the door? What kind of fallout should we expect now that Lily's killer has been revealed? Will Amanda Seyfried be back this season? What characters will Steve Gutenberg and Kevin Smith play? How long will Veronica's departure from the PI business last? Will MamaMars be back? So many questions. Breathe. 8 days. 8 days.

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My name isn't Michael Vaughn. Who are you, crinkly headed man? Where are they going with this storyline? Did Jennifer Garner film any action scenes? How much is JuniorSpyGirl going to suck? Can Nadia be in the coma like forever? Will Lena Fucking Olen be back? Please?

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When last we say our doctor friends, Christian's beautiful face was about to be destroyed by the carver. Will Sean get to him in time? How long before Julia realizes that Sean is REAL boring and leaves his ass? Will Matt hook it up with Mr. Jean Grey again?

Grey's Anatomy
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Did Christina get the abortion? Patrick Dempsey is married?!?!?! Will Isabelle get an interesting storyline? Will she hook up with Alex? Will the dorky guy get some action?

Image hosted by Photobucket.comWho took Walt? Will Sawyer and Jin be okay? What is in the hatch? Will Sayid be shirtless again? How in the HELL are they going to add Michelle Rodriguez to the cast? Why did the castaways NEVER explore the island? Is Walt magic? Wassup with the polar bears? Will Shannon die now that she doesn't really have much of a storyline?

Shows I am looking forward to seeing for the first time.

Kitchen Confidential
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Will Tippin and Xander Harris? How great is that? I think both of the actors are very funny, so I am interested in seeing how this show about chefs will do.

How I Met Your Mother
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This is the one with Allyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris. Yes, Willow and Doogie. The previews make me giggle. And damn it, it better be good if Joan of Arcadia got booted to make room for these new youthful shows. (CBS has chosen to ignore that they had one of the hottest up and coming actresses on their network. Ask ABC how that worked out for them after cancelling My So Called Life. It took over 5 years to get a good following again)

Shows you need to be watching NOW....

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The story of a suburban mom that turns to selling the marjuana after the sudden death of her husband. Mary Louise Parker shines. So heartbreaking and hilarous! I love her sons. I even love the screw up, pot head brother-in-law. Also, Elizabeth Perkins is on the show as a tightly wound soccer mom. Trust me, find someone who has Showtime OnDemand and camp out on their couch for a few hours. The worst thing about the show? It's only 30 minutes.

Prison Break
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Only 3 episodes in and I am HOOKED. This show follows the story of Michael Scoffield, a young man that gets himself sent to prison in hopes of, you guessed it, breaking out of it. He is wanting to free his innocent brother. Plus, it has Robin Tunney as a Baylor Law grad. How awesome is that?


At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you just get a whole bunch of eljay icons for this post? Fun.

OMGVERONICAMARS! WHAT! IS! UP! I think it's Wallace. At the door. Or possibly Weevil. Or maybe Logan (pleaseOpleaseOplllleeeasse!). Don't be dead, Logan. Don't! Be! Dead!

Lost. OMGWTFWALT! The Others are RIGHT bastards, they are.

YayCoffee digs the new tv season for the first time in a looooong time.


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