The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Laziness Knows No Bounds

At times, my laziness knows no bounds. I have leftovers that have become new life forms (I think one hissed at me this morning). I only recently dismantled my Christmas tree, but have not put it in storage as of yet. But right now, I think I might have reached the pinnacle of my laziness. I work in a cube filled office. Some people are special enough to have actual offices with doors and self controlled lighting, but not me. So anyway, I need to ask the girl in the cube next to me a question, but she is not signed into messenger. I sent an email, but have not received a reply. I really need feedback on the email, but I don't want to walk around to her cube. I considered calling her, but that seems silly. I have thought about maybe just saying, "Hey Jennifer...," but that seems loud and distracting.

What's a lazy ass to do?


At 1:19 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

See, I considered that. But that seemed really lazy. Plus, everyone in the office would be able to hear that I was calling the person sitting next to me.

At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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