The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Phone Calls

Why does my apartment manager insist on calling me while I am at work? She knows that I work between the hours of 7 and 6 every day. Why can she not call me in the evenings, when I am at home, not working!?!?

Did I fill out a maintenance request? Yes. Then why must you call me to let me know that you are letting the repairman into my apartment? Why?

And also, when I have sent an email listing repairs TWICE AND narrated the list to you in person, why should I be inconvenienced during my work day for you to call and ask me to send the list AGAIN? No, you screwed up and lost it. Plan ahead and call me the night before. Leave a note on my door. Something. Just stop calling me at work. Do I call you while you are at your other job? No. Please. Some courtesy.

Also, needing the number for Dell is not an important enough reason for you to call me at work. Look it up on their webpage just like I would have to do.

Grrr. Phone etiquette. Did it EVER exist?


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