The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Thank You For Smoking and more

Special T and I saw Thank You For Smoking yesterday. First, movies at the Magnolia rock. I want to go to this theater more often. Sure, it can be a little hectic finding parking, but the full bar more than makes up for it! Second, the movie rocked. HiLARious! Aaron Eckhart had me giggling the entire movie. Imagine Buddy the Elf (from Elf) as a tobacco lobbiest. Rick Naylor (AE's character) was just so happy. Nothing got him down. Plus, the rest of the cast was awesome. Seriously, go see this movie. It is worth $8.50. It is worth $8.50, a bag of popcorn and a large soda. Most movies I have seen recently have been good, but they drug in parts and could have benefited from a stern editing (V for Vendetta, I am looking at you). Not this movie. I was entertained from the first moment of the movie until the very end. Really, see this movie. I will go with you if you need a movie buddy. But don't get mad if I keep jabbing you in the ribs and saying, "Oh, this part is going to be really funny. Oh, and this part coming up, it's gonna be really hilarious. Oh, this next part, GENIUS!"

So, I went to Canton on Saturday for the First Monday Trade Days with Special T and YayCoffee. I was really excited because I was taking my friends with me for the first time. Sure, Special T has gone with me before, but this time, I was the leader. I was the veteran. Normally, I go with my mom and sister. I didn't realize how much I just followed them around. I was certain I would be able to find the good potpourri place and the good candle place. I was wrong. I got overwhelmed. I was hot. It just didn't work out like I wanted. I couldn't find anything I was looking for. It was frustrating. So, I ended up driving 2 hours for a $5 scoop of potpourri. Not exactly a fruitful journey.

HOWEVER, we did go over to Dog Alley (the flea market section) to look at the animals. For years now, I have heard of people getting dogs at Canton. Poodles, maltese, weiner dogs, yorkies, labs, whatever. So, I guess I was expecting like a ginormous outdoor pet store. I was mistaken. There didn't seem to be a wide dog selection. There were lots of little nervous, yippy rat dogs. There were lots of labs and other such puppies which were REALLY cute. They were just so fluffy. Fluff goes a long way! But no weiner dogs (well, one place had a couple of minitures, but I disapprove of miniture dogs as they tend to be all twitchy)! I was very sad. I guess it is a good thing that I never did go there with my mom. She would have been heartbroken at the lack of weiner dogs. She had been plotting to bring one back from Canton for about a year. Boy would Dad have been surprised! Anyway, what Dog Alley did have were LOTS of cute bunnies. I really regret not taking pictures. Because there were some interesting rabbits there. There were at least three GIANT rabbits. And by giant, I mean there were at least two feet long. They were like DOG sized! When the rabbit is larger than the goat in the next cage, you know you have a big rabbit. One of the giants was an English Lop with these freakishly long ears. Seriously, they drug the ground. It just doesn't seem practical. I did find some cute little Holland Lops that really wanted to come home with me. But sadly, I did not purchase a rabbit this past weekend. I can't make the same guarantee for this coming weekend. I am going to the North Texas Rabbit Sanctuary. Did you know such a thing existed? It is a shelter for rabbits. Awesome. And, in McKinney, they have a rabbit habitat for all the rabbits that have not found a home. They can stay there for as long as necessary or forever. Pretty cool. They get to hang out and hop around. Sounds cool to me.

I should get to work. More later.


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Kerri said...

i will definately see this movie now. i've always thought it looked pretty genius, but this has definately sold me.


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