The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Plan B

I am very excited to hear that Plan B is now going to be available without a prescription. This makes me very happy, and not just because I am a forgetful slut. No, this makes me happy because I no longer have to deal with those Planned Parenthood con artist bastards*.

Yes, you heard it. I have some hate for the Planned Parenthood.

Okay, so, I have taken Plan B twice in my life. The first time was the result of a little birth control snafu. So, I go to my local PP and get Plan B. While I am checking out, I notice the big bowl of condoms, so I get some.

Several months later, a special fella and I are about to have some sex, and I grab one of the PP condoms. We go about the sex having until I hear an "uh oh." I inquire as to the cause of this responce. The fella says that the condom has ripped.

That's right.

The condom I had gotten from Planned Parenthood RIPPED. And now, I am going to have to go back to Planned Parenthood and get another pack of Plan B.

Con artists!*

*I do not really think that Planned Parenthood is an evil bastard. I was only saying that for humor purposes. I think they provide an invaluable service to many women.


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