The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Clumsy Girl On Ice

To say that I don't do very well with ice will not be surprising in any way to my loyal readers (see here, here, here, here, here, here). But this morning the need for warm beverages was quite intense, resulting in my trekking to the gas station in my boots of great traction. As I was slipping and sliding in the icy shadows on the sidewalk, I was reminded of another great ice storm.

It was our freshman year at Baylor. One morning, we awoke to find everything covered in a blanket of thick ice. The entire campus was like a skating rink. The Bears rejoiced. After many mugs of hot cocoa and as stir craziness associated with teensy dorm rooms with no cable set in, I convinced YayCoffee and Special T to accompany me to turn in a paper that was ABSOLUTELY, NO EXCEPTIONS ALL, due that day. We slid down the streets, over the sidewalks, past the frozen fountain to Carroll Science (the English Department, oddly enough). When we got there, the doors were bolted shut. Apparently, my professor had not shared that little "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night shall postpone the due date" speech with the man with the keys.

That story was a little boring. I am embarrassed I wrote it.


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