The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The MAVS Make The MAV Drink

First, the MAVS have been making me oversleep. See, their games come on UPN. Well, that is the station that shows the ever addictive America's Next Top Model and Veronica Mars. And if the episodes are on, I want to see them. Therefore, I am forced, FORCED, to stay up to watch the new episodes until the wee hours of the evening. We are talking like MIDNIGHT. Whoa. That is late for me. I likes my sleep. Anyway, so as a result, I will end up oversleeping the next morning. So the MAVS make me late.

This morning, in my sleep deprived fog, I went to get my Tab Energy drink out of the fridge as I was leaving. But instead of the cute little pink drink, I picked up a Corona which I didn't realize until I was almost out the door. There are so many problems with that scenario, least of which is that everyone knows Corona does not have a twist off cap and requires a bottle opener. I don't keep on of those in my car anymore! Oh yeah, and the drinking in the morning thing. So, the MAVS make me drink. In the morning. On my way to work.


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