The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I don't believe we have met

So, reading a comment on M.O.L. Jr's blog made me realize that there are two types of people in this world. Those that remember names/faces and those that don't. I am of the former. I remember people. We could have met once two years ago, but I will remember you (depending on blood alcohol levels). Almost always the name, but always the face. I am sure there are a few exceptions, but I really blame that on the boring level of the other person more than a reflection of me.

Anyway, I remember people, but people tend not to remember me. I remember being introduced multiple times to NotGayChris' friends before they ever remembered my name. Seriously, we involved for a while. It took them at least two months to stop introducing themselves to me.

Am I not a memorable person? If I met me, I would definitely remember me. Despite some unique characteristics, I fear that perhaps I am not remarkable enough to pierce the memory of most people. What do I need to do? Should I wear more interesting t-shirts? Do I need some sort of piercing? Maybe I should adopt an accent. Perhaps I need to have a "thing." I could be the girl that wears the Lolita glasses. Or the girl with an eye patch. Or possibly the girl with the odd limp. But the I fear I would just be referred to as Lolita, PirateGirl or GimpGirl. My name would still not be remembered. Maybe I should wear a name tag. That might help.


At 9:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should go with they eyepatch thing. You could go around calling people "matey." It'd be jolly good fun.

I'm not memorable either. I am She-Who-Blends-In-To-The-Wallpaper. Niether overly-fashionable nor overly-witty, people will always introduce themselves to me at a party, even though I've met them five times already.

At 8:06 AM, Blogger MOL Junior said...

i think it depends on the self-absorbedness of the rememberer, not on the memorableness of the remembereee.

in other words...i'm a self-absorbed jackass, so that's why i have trouble remembering people's names.

does that make sense?


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