The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The L Word

So, I have begun the first season of The L Word. I am liking it a lot. It shall fill the void until the start of the final season of Queer as Folk. But watching it has gotten me thinking about which of those ladies I would be interested in if I were a lesbian and which ones I identify with.

If I were a lesbian, I would have my heart frequently broken by Shane. Time and time again. I identify with Dana and Alice a lot. But mostly Dana. She is such a nerd. It is awesome. She is so hopeless. She reminds me so much of myself. Of course, Alice's desperate search for love is quite familiar also.

So, if you were an L Word lesbian, who would you be?


At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'd be Bette's wife. . .I can't remember her name. She totally loves her family, but she's kinda clueless. Yeah. . .that's me.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Tina. Although, she and Jenny are in a tight race for who is the whiniest. Both of them have an incredibly WHIIIINEY way of speaking. Be assertive damn it! Speak with some command, geez.

Waaaahhh, the big, mean lesbian is making me kiss her and have sex with her and lie to my wonderful, sexy boyfriend.

Waaaaahhhh, my mean lesbian wife is making me have a black man's baby, but I don't have enough of a backbone to actually say something to her, instead I will whiiiinnnnee about it to our therapist in front of her. Waaahhhh... I am only 4 epis in and I am ready to cheat on her. And I'm not even a lesbian!

I hope Dana stays as loveably goofy as she is in the first few episodes. That sort of innocence is hard to keep over time, but hope is sticks around for a while.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Also, did you realize that Tina (Bette's wife) played Justine on Angel. She whined then too.


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