The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gift Cards

We love them. We hate them. Well, we hate them when they are to stores that we either never frequent or that we do not have access to. I have received two gift cards that fall into that later category. One to Hastings and one to this store called Baskin's. They sell western wear. Yeah. Fantastic. Exactly what I need. Seriously. Why buy me a gift card to THAT store? It was out of my aunt's way. Why not buy me a Wal-Mart gift card. At least I could use that for buying a new card for my camera or a new DVD player. And Hastings? While I do love some movies, books and music, there are two problems with Hastings: there are none that I know of in Dallas and they are horrifically overpriced.

But all is not lost. I found a fabulous website called CardAvenue. You can list unwanted gift cards on the site and trade them for something more fitting. I am hoping I can score something to Best Buy, Fry's, Target or Wal-Mart. I will settle for a Borders card though.

Anyway, just thought I would share the word.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Listening to Pavarotti while working makes my designing seem so much more dramatic.

Will MAV finiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish this screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen?
The screen must beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee compleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeeed.

Finish the screeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
Finish the screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen
!Finiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish the screeeeeen.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy does this program not wooooooooooork?Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
My heart breaks because the program is getting an errrrroooooooooorrrrrrrrrrr.


I cannooooooooooooot gooooooooo oooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn.
The proooooooooooooooograaaaaammmmmmm has faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaailed.
I shall plunge this hiiiiiiiiiighlighter into my heaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAArt.
The prograaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam haaaaaaaaaaaaaas FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaiiiiiiiiiled!
