The Monkey Attacked Me

One girl's struggle against the bizarre.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Story of Wyatt

To most, the life of a snail must seem quite boring. But like humans, each snail is very different. Some lead quiet, peaceful lives. Others lives are filled with excitement, intrigue and passion. This is the story of one such snail. Welcome to a particularly exciting day in the life of Wyatt.

For the past few weeks, Wyatt had taken up residence on 11 Street in the greatest city in the world: New York. That was his opinion at least. When the bustle of people hurrying to work woke him that morning, the day had seemed pretty typical. Spring was settling in and a light breeze had made its way between all the buildings. Movement was all around him. Pointy black heels carrying steaming cups of non-fat, sugar-free, soy milk venti lattes clicked past him. Shiny black loafers carrying laptops that kept the loafers connected to the world weaved in and out of the crowd. Boots with backpacks full of important texts and overdue papers bounded past on their way to old brick buildings.

The sun had barely had a chance to heat the sidewalk and already the world was going full speed. A pair of small, black and white sneakers stumbled beside the trashcan under which Wyatt had just awoken. The sneakers dropped the celery stick they had been eating, and it rolled toward Wyatt. He made his way over to his breakfast bounty and noshed on the fresh, crisp celery until he was quite certain he was about to explode. Judging by the speed of the few shoes that were passing by this trashcan, it must be mid morning. There were fewer loafers and heels. They were all in their glass offices. The most common shoes now were for running, though the rarely did. Mostly they walked behind two sets of small wheels that would occasionally let lose what he assumed were ear splitting shrieks. He wasn’t certain, as he had no ears (1).

Since there weren’t many shoes going past, Wyatt decided it was time to get out and explore. He was a bit ashamed for being so lethargic this morning. He was moving at the pace of his people(2), and he knew that was no way to get ahead in this life. If he wanted to make it over to the new trashcan, he would have to get a move on. His trashcan was very nice, but the one across the sidewalk where the shoes went to get their coffee was supposed to be like a whole new world according to the mouse that had mistaken him for a caper the previous night(3). If that side was as fantastic as the mouse had described, Wyatt was beyond excited. He barreled off at top speed.

By mid-morning, he was a quarter of the way across the sidewalk. He was making excellent time. A pair of the running shoes had passed by alone and split some tasty water. Wyatt waded through the small puddle drinking to his hearts content and cooling off. Adventures such has his were quite draining; it was important to stay hydrated. Just as he was leaving the pool, he glanced down the sidewalk and saw a terrifying site. Coming straight towards him were six pairs of hairy clawed feet dragging a pair of scuffed shoes. As fast as he could, he rolled himself into his shell. The wild feet came rushing to where he was. They took turns poking him with their wet snouts and rolling him back and forth between them. Wyatt hated the hairy feet. They had claimed the lives of many of his kind. He was pulled his tail further into his shell praying they would soon bore and leave. Finally, the world stopped spinning. The air around him was no longer hot and smelly. He waited a few minutes to be certain that the hairy feet were gone before he poked his head out to access the damage.

Sometimes, he would be rolled very far away from his intended destination. But today, he was extremely fortunate. He was actually a little closer than before the attack, almost fifteen centimeters, if his calculations were correct.(4) Things could have been much, much worse. It wasn’t even noon and already he had survived one brush with death. He was certain it would not be his last.

Wyatt soldiered on. Within an hour, he was almost halfway there. Lunchtime was approaching, and the shoes would be returning. He moved toward the break between the slabs. With only an hour of time to spare, the shoes rushed past at a breakneck pace, not noticing anything on the ground below them. He knew it was best to take cover. Unnecessary risks would only slow him down.

A pair of red strappy heels left the coffee shop and was clicking straight for Wyatt. Behind the heels were a nice, shiny boots. The most extraordinary thing happened. Wyatt veered to the right, leaving a slightly embarrassing trail in his haste. A red heel landed and slipped right behind him. The boots caught the heels in one fluid movement. The heels looked at the boots and everyone on the street knew true love had been born. Wyatt was an accomplished matchmaker(5) and had worked magic once again. He continued on his way, carrying himself a little taller in his pride. This was his third match of the year, a stat that pleased him a great deal.

The lunching shoes had left, some in love, some not, and the sidewalks cleared once more. The snail continued on his mission. It was not much further now. He was well over halfway there. His progress was quite impressive. He was already planning all the things he would do in his new hangout. He hoped that there might be some nice lady snails in the area. The mouse was telling him about the dating scene when the mouse was distracted by what he thought was a discarded Reese’s cup. Turned out to be an Oreo and by this time, the mouse had completely forgotten about Wyatt.

In addition to the possibility of meeting a nice female, Wyatt was also looking forward to the amazing reading(6) selection provided by the coffee shop. His favorite part of the paper was world affairs. He felt it was imperative to stay abreast of the news.

While he was dreaming of all the things awaiting him, something was happening down the street. Wyatt was shaken from his dreams of smart female snails when he noticed a pair of black, scuffed boots in a mask running toward him. The boots were carrying a large black bag that seemed to be quite full. Something in his brain clicked. He knew what this was. This is something that the shoes did. Robbery. Wyatt didn’t have time to move out of the way or call for help. He did the only thing he could think to do; he pulled himself into his shell as tightly as possible and said a quick prayer.

He could feel the dirt on the sidewalk vibrate harder as each boot came closer and closer to him. Oh no, he thought. It can’t end this way. I haven’t experienced true love. I haven’t seen a rainbow. I haven’t tasted marshmallows. Please, not yet.

The shadow of the boot cast over his shell. It was as though the sun had gone out. The end of the heel of the boot landed on him. Then, it quickly rolled off. The boots flew up in the air and then landed hard on the sidewalk.

Wyatt peeked out of his shell to see what happened. Shiny boots were rushing toward them. They had a gun pointed toward the scuffed boots. Soon the shiny boots were putting some sort of metal bracelets on the other boots. More shiny boots came and took the others away. Wyatt was a little disappointed that there was no gratitude extended to him. This was not uncommon amongst the shoes. The snail’s contributions were rarely lauded, but he continued to do what he could to make the world a better place.

He kept working his way to the new garbage can. It was so close. He could smell all the delicious aromas. He could see snails huddled in small groups. A piece of newspaper lay on the ground. The excitement was bubbling over. He stepped up his progress. He could hardly wait.

Wyatt was getting close. He was a little worried. The sun was dipping behind the buildings. More and more shoes had returned to the sidewalk. As he neared his new home, a pair of flip flops walked past him, dusting grains of acid-like salt off his pretzel and onto the ground. But it didn’t matter. Wyatt was already home.

Snails cannot hear, but they do have highly attuned senses of smell and sight. They also feel very deeply and are quite sensitive. They are considered to be the most gifted poets in the animal kingdom. They have a longstanding rivalry with birds who think they are superior writers since their art comes with musical accompaniment. The High Court of Animals says they are incorrect.

Nothing moves slower than a snail. The snail community is working tirelessly to come up with a less demeaning measure of pace.

Obviously Wyatt reads lips.

All snails use the metric system no matter their country of origin. There was a brief rebellion within America during which time, some renegade snails attempted to seize power and change to inches and pounds. The campaign was a complete and utter failure as snails in general are far too sensible for such an irrational form of measurement.

In the animal kingdom, the ladybug is lauded as the best of the matchmakers. Behind them, are the snails. Their attention to detail is the secret to their success.


Snails are voracious readers.

Abortion and Procreation

If the Pro-Lifers have their way, abortion will soon be made illegal. If this happens, I have a great fear for society at large. Really, there are some people that just SHOULD NOT reproduce. If abortion is no longer allowed, then I think birth control should be mandatory until a person is deemed suitable for parenthood. I volunteer for this position. Because I know a lot of people that just shouldn't be allowed to spawn.

Dear OCD People of the World,

Most of the time, I think your neurosis is kind of cute. The way you must unpack immediately following an exhausting trip. The way you can't relax if one thing is out of its place. It's cute. It must be tough being you. Most of the time, I overlook these little quirks.

But let me say this, there is a TIME for your craziness and there is a time when it is unholy inappropriate. That time is 2 o'clock in the fucking morning. I do not care if you will break out in hives if your books remain unpacked. If you end up in a padded room because you were not able to place each of you picture frames facing northwest, I really don't care. It is 2 o'clock in the fucking morning, and I am trying to sleep in the bedroom below yours. Make as much noise as you want until 11. But after that, we are entering INAPPROPRIATE time. And once the clock ticks past midnight, we are entering justifiable homicide time.

Like I said, most of the time, I find your complete inability to relax kind of funny. It's quirky. But when you interfere with my much needed sleep, then you risk awakening the bitch inside. And let me tell you, she woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, because you dropped a box at 5:30 in the morning.

The non-OCD's, or the messies, never try to convert you. We never demand that you be messy or disorganized. We recognize that you have a personality defect that requires understanding and acceptance. But you know what? After last night, wait, correction, after really fucking early this morning, I have no more patience with you. Get your crazy under control or leave my life forever. 2 o'clock in the fucking morning! UNACCEPTABLE!

Get over yourself and realize you share the world with people that really DO NOT CARE. People that think the hours of 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. should be used for sleeping.

Good fucking morning,

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Harry Potter Insanity

This is insanity. A girl spent most of her summer break copying The Half Blood Prince BY HAND!!! 607 pages by hand. That is crazy. Apparently, she could not afford to buy one and have it shipped from England. Um, Crazy, it's called eBay. And all summer? You couldn't afford it? You have known the release date for like a year. You couldn't save a couple of dollars a month for a year? I mean, if you are SUCH a big HP fan, it seems like you would have not bought some sodas here and there over the year. Some of you might be thinking that if she was poor, maybe she just didn't have the money. Well obviously, she wasn't so poor that she had to spend her summer working. She had month to devote to insane hand copying of a book. Not only is this girl slightly off, but she is kind of dumb, too.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Little Moments

It's been over six months since she left. Most of the time, I am fine. But then, there are little moments where I have to remember that she is gone.

Lately, it has been after TV shows we used to watch. Nip/Tuck just premiered. She loved that show. After the episode, I picked up the phone to call her to see what she thought about it. I had to remember. I couldn't.

I know that eventually these reminders will get less frequent. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.


I just discovered WikiHow thanks to Z-Ho. Now, thanks to this wonderful site, I know:

How to survive a rap battle
How to write a rap song
How to become a punk rocker
How to get a feel for jazz
How to compose the first verse of a song
How to play the clarinet
How to seduce a man
How to present yourself as an educated person (dedicated to the Pres)
How to eliminate lost socks
How to dress funky
How to buy pearls
How to get your new boyfriend to stop wearing ugly clothes without hurting his feelings
How to manage pimples and still be beautiful
How to add blue tips to platinum hair
How to apply corpsepaint
How to braid hair for style or dating purposes
How to get straight, sleek hair without damaging it
How to take a bath (is there confusion?)
How to look cool while leaving 7 11 with drinks in your hand

And starting what might be regular feature...

How to Make a Coffin
Hopefully you are doing this for Halloween rather than fear of an eminent event.

  1. Buy/get materials: Wood, wood glue or nails, fabric, stapler/staple gun, stuffing (for things like pillows), saw and hinges
  2. Saw the largest piece of wood into the bottom of the casket.
  3. Next cut another piece of wood into the sides of the coffin. Set up the pieces by connecting the pieces to each other.
  4. Saw the final piece into the shape of the bottom of the casket to be the top. Connect the top and the coffin with hinges so it can open.
  5. Fill the casket with fabric with the stuffing.
  6. Bunch the fabric to fit into the coffin staple at the corner and the opens.

Be careful with saw and staple gun.

Education In America

"Gov. Sonny Perdue of Georgia has asked public schools in his state to close Monday and Tuesday to conserve fuel. "

Wow. That is all I can say to that. Wow. Are our public schools in such trouble that they have to close their doors because they can't afford to keep them open? I think this country really needs to reevaluate what our goals as a nation should be. Feeding, housing and educating our children should be pretty high on that list, but apparently isn't.

New Rules

Okay, I must start preparing for my day the evening before. I keep trying to put it off until the morning, but the fact is that I am really forgetful in the mornings. Over the course of the month, I have been trying to go to the gym before work. I like this because it frees up my afternoons a bit more. Any extra post-work hours are like gold to me. Back to what I was saying. I am forgetful. So far, I have forgotten my purse, shirt, bra, panties, shoes, towel, iPod, reading materials, and water. That is over the course of the month. I am not sitting here writing this naked.

New rule: I must pack my gym bag the night before.
New rule: I must prepare my lunch the night before.
New rule: I am only allowed to not bring my lunch 2 days a week, though I should try to keep it to one.
New rule: I must make an effort to prepare meals in bulk and take leftovers to work.
New rule: I must do my grocery shopping on Sunday morning. This is actually a bonus for me as all the screaming children will probably be disrupting things in the house of the Lord. Upgrade!
New rule: Wheat Thins are not an acceptible lunch.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Things To Look Forward To This Week

Veronica Mars. Less than 3 days!
Who is at the door? WHO??!??!?! I can't wait to see. I am going to come right out and declare myself a Logan person. I always choose the best people for my fictional friends, i.e. Noel. So excited. Anyone who is interested is invited to my place for some Veronica Mars viewing this Wednesday.

Will Bright and Hannah get together this season? Will Nina choose Andy or Bailey? Will Ephram remove his head from his ass? Why did Emily Van Camp cut off her glorious hair? We are talking Buffy Season 6 short. So sad.

For starters, my name isn't Michael Vaughn. What the hell is it, then? This actually makes sense. Who would have put up with Sidney's endless shit (including a beyond boring sister) unless being paid or ordered by people that might kill you otherwise? Sidney Bristow, well, it's better than death. Do you think he and his boss giggle on the phone at night about what a horrible spy she is? I think so.

Gilmore Girls
This year is awesome. Hard to watch, but awesome. Rory's floundering hits a little too close to home, but at the same time, what a pill!

Kitchen Confidential
This week, I will sample Will and Xander's show. Get it? Sample? Kitchen?

Also, I will be returning to East Texas this weekend. Curious to see what it looks like post-Rita. Plus it's my niece's 13th birthday. I am pretty excited for her. Plus, I am getting my hair colored. And, it's Pineland Day (probably, it might be cancel due to forces of nature). It's not like that happens every year. No really. It doesn't. PD only comes once every two years.

And pay day is this week. It cannot come soon enough.

Oh, the Joys of Rhapsody

Rhapsody is one of the most wonderful things to come into my life. It has wonderful playlists carefully created by those with more patience, time and attention to detail than me. For instance, the Alias playlist (all songs played on Alias) is just genius. I love hearing the entire album. I know there are some music purists that just broke up with me. I am not stealing all the music. I am just listening to it - borrowing the music, if you will. There is nothing wrong with borrowing a CD from a friend, right? Well Rhapsody and I are like BFF, so back off.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, Rhapsody rocks. My new favorite thing has been listening to comedy albums while I work, specifically Margaret Cho. There is a drawback to this. No one else in my quiet office is hearing what Margaret is saying. All they hear is me laughing for like an hour. A little embarrassing. But I love Margaret , so I consider the embarrassment to be a small price to pay.

My coworkers must think that I am absolutely insane and not just because of the random bursts of laughter. There are the silent laughs. The ones where I am laughing so hard at something the Diva said but trying so very hard to not make any noise. To the unknowing eye, I must appear to be having some sort of epileptic fit. Then, there are the times when I do things I just shouldn't do in open spaces. I get lulled into this sense of privacy by the quiet, dark office and my cubicle. I forget that people could see me, were they to walk by. The other day, I was discussing with the Diva my desire for a new bra. I explained that I upon viewing some photos on various friends' Flikr accounts, I thought I could really use the extra lift that a new bra would bring. I felt I need about 3 inches of lift. Anyone who knows me, knows how bad I am with measurements. I suck. I admit it. I have no idea how long an inch is, much less a mile. I don't know what a pound feels like. I can't eyeball a tablespoon. Anyway, she thought 3 inches sounded like a lot. So I proceeded to lift my breasts to the desired spot. Several times. Trying to decide how many inches that would be. Then I realized what I was doing and said a silent thank you that no one had walked by to witness me fondling myself in my cube.

But, yeah, Rhapsody is cool.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Garbage Says "Take It"

So sad that the era has come to an end. My life is going to be very empty without a hot, red-headed Scot in it.

The Family Stone

I just heard about this movie today, and it looks hilarious. I can't wait!

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Check out the trailer...

By the way, I tried, and I cannot get my finger to do that. Try it. It is REALLY hard!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

October 15th

Does anyone know what I might have committed to on October 15th. I found a note in my purse with the date written on it. I remember saying that yes, I was free that day. But now, for the life of me, I cannot remember what I said I would do.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Smirnoff Music Center

So, YayCoffee and I went to see Weezer and Foo Fighters last night. Aaaaawesoooome!!!!

At lunch, I began preparations by purchasing a large two to three person towel. When the rains came, I tucked garbage bags in with the towel so as to keep it dry. So, off we went to Smirnoff. Next time, please remind me to leave 2 hours early to get to a show there. Seriously. It's called a traffic cop and more gate people. When finally we get to the metal detector people, the woman looked disdainfully at my towel and nodded to the pile of blankets next to her. She just nodded. She didn't speak actual words.

MAV: "What? I can't bring in my blanket?"
BlanketNazi: "No blankets tonight."
MAV: "What? Why? The site says blankets are allowed."
BlanketNazi: "Not tonight. Not with this crowd."

Not with this crowd? What was "this crowd" going to do with blankets that was so terrifying that an all out ban was issued? Wouldn't a night after a rainy afternoon be the time when one most needed the blanket? What if it rained again? The blanket might provide much needed protection from the rain.

"This crowd." The crowd that listens to such rage inducing songs as "The Sweater Song," "Buddy Holly," and "Island in the Sun." Maybe it was "Photograph" that struck such fear in the hearts of the Smirnoff people. Or perhaps "In the Garage" was the one. A song about liking comics and D&D is surely something to fear. Let those kids get wet and a song about being a geeky kid come on and watch out. There probably would have been a riot for sure.

Or maybe they thought that the evil blanket owners would try to turn innocent kids on to harder ground coverings like quilts or afgans. We wouldn't want to risk that, now would we.

I am very happy that the kind Smirnoff people were looking out for my well being because I would have walked into that show with NO IDEA! Pandamonium! Chaos! Babies crying for their mothers!

Oh well, at least the Great Blanket Ban of 2005 provided great fodder for me and YayCoffee. The blanket jokes are still funny.

Not with this crowd.

heP heP

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

All I Need Is Love. And Rice Krispie treats

I read or heard or something once that if there is something you really want, you need to express the wish and put it out in the universe so that your deepest desire might come true.

I want/need/desire/long for homemade Rice Krispie Treats. Ooey, gooey, marshmellowy goodness. The way that some people lust after Jake Gyllenhaal, I am lusting for a Rice Krispie treat.

So, I send this wish out into the blog world. I wonder what will happen.

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Shows I Am REALLY Looking Forward To

I am all a tingle at the thought of the start of the new television season. Here are the shows I am really looking forward to seeing.

Veronica Mars
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Who is at the door? What kind of fallout should we expect now that Lily's killer has been revealed? Will Amanda Seyfried be back this season? What characters will Steve Gutenberg and Kevin Smith play? How long will Veronica's departure from the PI business last? Will MamaMars be back? So many questions. Breathe. 8 days. 8 days.

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My name isn't Michael Vaughn. Who are you, crinkly headed man? Where are they going with this storyline? Did Jennifer Garner film any action scenes? How much is JuniorSpyGirl going to suck? Can Nadia be in the coma like forever? Will Lena Fucking Olen be back? Please?

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When last we say our doctor friends, Christian's beautiful face was about to be destroyed by the carver. Will Sean get to him in time? How long before Julia realizes that Sean is REAL boring and leaves his ass? Will Matt hook it up with Mr. Jean Grey again?

Grey's Anatomy
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Did Christina get the abortion? Patrick Dempsey is married?!?!?! Will Isabelle get an interesting storyline? Will she hook up with Alex? Will the dorky guy get some action?

Image hosted by Photobucket.comWho took Walt? Will Sawyer and Jin be okay? What is in the hatch? Will Sayid be shirtless again? How in the HELL are they going to add Michelle Rodriguez to the cast? Why did the castaways NEVER explore the island? Is Walt magic? Wassup with the polar bears? Will Shannon die now that she doesn't really have much of a storyline?

Shows I am looking forward to seeing for the first time.

Kitchen Confidential
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Will Tippin and Xander Harris? How great is that? I think both of the actors are very funny, so I am interested in seeing how this show about chefs will do.

How I Met Your Mother
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This is the one with Allyson Hannigan and Neil Patrick Harris. Yes, Willow and Doogie. The previews make me giggle. And damn it, it better be good if Joan of Arcadia got booted to make room for these new youthful shows. (CBS has chosen to ignore that they had one of the hottest up and coming actresses on their network. Ask ABC how that worked out for them after cancelling My So Called Life. It took over 5 years to get a good following again)

Shows you need to be watching NOW....

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The story of a suburban mom that turns to selling the marjuana after the sudden death of her husband. Mary Louise Parker shines. So heartbreaking and hilarous! I love her sons. I even love the screw up, pot head brother-in-law. Also, Elizabeth Perkins is on the show as a tightly wound soccer mom. Trust me, find someone who has Showtime OnDemand and camp out on their couch for a few hours. The worst thing about the show? It's only 30 minutes.

Prison Break
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Only 3 episodes in and I am HOOKED. This show follows the story of Michael Scoffield, a young man that gets himself sent to prison in hopes of, you guessed it, breaking out of it. He is wanting to free his innocent brother. Plus, it has Robin Tunney as a Baylor Law grad. How awesome is that?

Monday, September 12, 2005

Make Me Laugh, Make Me Cry

Tagged by Yay Coffee

List 10 things that bring you a moment of joy.

1. Taking off my bra at the end of the day. The boobalicious gals know what I am talking about.
2. Seeing my new chair in the corner
3. Making YayCoffee laugh so hard that she turns magenta
4. The new mail icon
5. Knowing I don't have to go the gym after work because I went that morning
6. New Netflix
7. The light dimming in the movie theater
8. An extremely cold drink (Ace Pear, Corona and chocolate martinis are the best)
9. New pens
10. The feel of new socks on my feet

List 3 things that bug you - things that others may find trivial.

1. Excessive icons on the desktop/unauthorized alteration of the desktop
2. That my desk is not in a power position
3. Drinking the last of someone else's beer at a BYOB party without express permission of the purchaser. The instructions are in the title. Bring YOUR OWN beer. I brought mine; I should be able to enjoy every single one if I want. Did you bring the Corona Light? No? Then you probably shouldn't drink the last one.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

A True Tale of Terror

It had been there for 24 days. By next week, it would be over a month. It mocked her as soon as she opened the door. She knew that if she did anything the results could be horrendous. Fear turned into inaction. The longer she waited, the worse it would get, but she was so afraid. How terrible would it be? Would she have the strength to survive? Would it overpower her? She had no idea.

Something must be done. Things could not stay this way. How much longer could she wait? The answer was no. No longer. She must act now. She had no choice. This was something that must be done. Avoiding the problem was an option no longer. Today was the day. Now was the time.

She walked slowly toward the door. Her feet were heavy. She closed her eyes and took in a breath. She slowly lifted her hand to the door and pulled it open. It felt as though it was made of lead. The light shown on her face. She felt the temperature lower around her. She exhaled and looked at it straight on.

It was larger than she remembered. Icy terror began to creep into her veins. She could do this, she told herself. She looked over her shoulder to see that her weapons were in place. Everything was ready. She reached forward and placed her hands on it. She took another deep breath, steeling herself to do what needed to be done.

She had to move quickly. In a fluid movement, she gripped it and pulled it toward her. She took it to the sink and removed the lid. The smell took her breath away. She was momentarily frozen. The odor broke through the haze bringing her back to reality. She poured the leftovers down the sink and threw the switch for the garbage disposal, vowing to never let things get this bad ever again.

It was over for now. There would be other battles, other setbacks, but today, she had triumphed.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Should I Change It?

So, the entry for my dad on my cell phone is still listed as Mom & Dad. I can't bring myself to change it, but at the same time, I get a pang everytime I see that name pop up. I don't want it to be gone, but I don't want to necessarily see it everytime either.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Skating With Celebrities

Ten years ago, I would not have really thought about pitying celebrities. If they suffered some sort of tragedy, sure. But for the average celebrity, this thought would never have crossed my mind.

Then again, ten years ago we didn't have reality television, or at least not the reality television that assaults our senses today. Now, we have a new brand of celebrity. No longer are our celebrities people of accomplishment. Mean girls on deserted islands and rich girls with rat dogs are now considered celebrities. When one's "celebrity" is based is based on so little real talent or ability, it becomes much more fleeting. As the fame starts to fade, the people begin to scramble to extend the last few moments of their 15 minutes.

The latest example is Skating with Celebrities. Yes, you read that correctly. Ice skating is the newest way to extend those fleeting, final moments. Celebrities will team up with ice skaters like Scott Hamilton and Nancy Kerrigan. How sad is that? It isn't even really all that funny. It's like making fun of the retarded kid. There's no challenge. It's just sad.

Oh, I'll watch at least one episode. But it is still sad.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Friends 'Til The End

I have a confession. I love made-for-TV movies. For ones like Oil Storm, I am proud to proclaim my love. Now, the less well written, poorly acted ones cause me to harbor some shame. But when I flip through the channels and see Elisha Cuhbert battling a gambling addition or DJ Tanner being raped by Zack Morris, I can't resist. I must stop. Today, I found one of my all time favorites on Oxygen: Friends 'Til The End. It is the story of one girl's obsession with Shannon Doherty. Jennifer Blanc plays Zan to Shannon's Heather (hee, I know). They met on the kid talent show circuit. Now, Heather is the president of her sorority and the lead singer of a RAWK AND ROWL band. They sound very similar to the Cranberries. Of course, Heather has a gorgeous boyfriend/lead guitarist played by the dreamy Jeremy London (or is it Jason). And Zan, poor, crazy Zan. She wants to be Heather so bad. Slowly she begins to weave her way into Heather's life, first the sorority, then as a back up singer in the band. We quickly learn that Zan is not only a obsessed, but also chock full of Crazy. She kills her first groupie because he knew her secret: she had recently been released from a Mental Institution. I know. Fabulous.

Zan starts to take away Heather's charmed life piece by piece. She switches Heather's Very Important Essay with an obviously plagiarized one. Then, she starts driving wedges between Heather and her friends and bandmates until soon everyone loves Zan and not Heather. Well, Eric, the drummer with a heart of gold, senses that Zan is a little heavy on the Crazy.

Anyway, it is FABULOUS!!! If you happen across it, you must, must watch. So good! I wish I could own it or at least the soundtrack.

How To Avoid Being Struck By Lightning

All of my creative juice is going into the writemore challenge. 3,000 words each week, yikes! But I didn't want my faithful readers to be left with nothing. So, here are some handy survival tips for avoiding being struck by Lightning.

How to Avoid Being Struck by Lightning

Lightning causes more casualties annually in the U.S. than any other storm-related phenomenon except floods. No place is completely safe from lightning. However, some places are more dangerous than others.

1. Loud or frequent thunder indicates that lightning activity is approaching. If you can see lightning and/or hear thunder, you are at risk. High winds, rainfall, and cloud cover often act as precursors to actual cloud-to-ground strikes. Thunderstorms generally move west to east and occur late in the day or in early evening when humidity is highest.

2. When you see lightning, count the seconds until thunder is heard and then divide by five. This will indicate how far the storm is from you in miles. (Sound travels at 1,100 feet per second.)

3. If the time delay between seeing the flash (lightning) and hearing the boom (thunder) is fewer than 30 seconds, seek a safer location immediately.

* Avoid high places, open fields, and ridges above the timberline. If in an open area, do not lie flat—kneel with your hands on the ground and your head low. If you are on a technical climb, sit on a rock or on nonmetallic equipment. Tie a rope around your ankle; this will anchor you if a strike occurs and you are knocked off balance.

* Avoid isolated trees, unprotected gazebos, and rain or picnic shelters, as well as shallow depressions in the earth—current traveling through the ground may use you to bridge the depression.

* Avoid baseball dugouts, communications towers, flagpoles, light poles, metal and wood bleachers, and metal fences. If you are camping, avoid your tent if it is in an open area or under a large tree.

* Avoid golf carts and convertibles.

* Avoid bodies of water: oceans, lakes, swimming pools, and rivers.

4. Wait for the storm to pass. The lightning threat generally diminishes with time after the last sound of thunder, but may persist for more than 30 minutes. When thunderstorms are in the area but not overhead, the lightning threat can exist even when it is sunny, not raining, or when clear sky is visible.

Be Aware

* Large enclosed buildings tend to be much safer than small or open structures. The risk for lightning injury depends on whether the structure incorporates lightning protection, the construction materials used, and the size of the structure.

* Fully enclosed metal vehicles such as cars, trucks, buses, vans, and fully enclosed farm vehicles with the windows rolled up provide good shelter from lightning. Avoid contact with metal or conducting surfaces outside or inside the vehicle.

* When inside, avoid contact with conductive surfaces with exposure to the outside, including the shower, sink, plumbing fixtures, and metal door and window frames.

* Avoid outlets, electrical cords, and wired electrical devices, including telephones, computers, and televisions (particularly cable TVs).

How to Treat Someone Struck by Lightning

1. Call 911 to report the strike and give directions to emergency personnel. With immediate medical treatment, victims can survive an encounter with lightning. If multiple people have been struck, treat the apparently “dead” first. People who are unconscious but still breathing will probably recover on their own.

2. Move to a safer location and avoid getting struck yourself. It is unusual for victims who survive a lightning strike to have major fractures that would cause paralysis or major bleeding complications unless they have suffered a fall or been thrown a distance. Do not be afraid to move the victim rapidly if necessary; individuals who have been struck by lightning do not carry a charge and it is safe to touch them to give medical treatment.

3. In cold and wet environments, put a protective layer between the victim and the ground to decrease the chance of hypothermia, which can further complicate resuscitation. Check for burns, especially around jewelry and watches.

4. If the victim is not breathing, start mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Give one breath every five seconds. If moving the victim, give a few quick breaths prior to moving.

5. Determine if the victim has a pulse. Check the pulse at the carotid artery (side of the neck) or femoral artery (groin) for at least 20 to 30 seconds.

6. If no pulse is detected, start cardiac compressions.

7. If the pulse returns, continue ventilation with rescue breathing as needed for as long as practical in a wilderness situation.

8. If a pulse does not return after 20 to 30 minutes of good effort, stop resuscitation efforts. In wilderness areas far from medical care, prolonged basic CPR is of little use—the victim is unlikely to recover if there is no response within the first few minutes.

Here's hoping you never use these tips. But it never hurts to have a contingency plan.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Something I did years ago...

If you guys get a chance, check this out...

Geocities is being weird, so you might have to copy and paste the URL.

Go to the movies section and then click on Wetlands Depletion. It's a movie I made to show the projected wetland depletion and eventual flooding of Louisiana. It is really scary how it seems to be coming somewhat true 15 years early. At least for New Orleans. I hadn't really thought about that movie until today.

New Orleans

My heart truly goes out to the people that are still stranded in New Orleans, especially at the Convention Center. It must be so incredibly scary not knowing when relief will come coupled with literally fearing for your life. I can't even imagine. Being surrounded by death and descruction in a city that had ice cream and wireless internet and soft pillows less than a week ago just doesn't seem possible. Our prayers are with you, New Orleans.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Amazing Quote from a Survivor

"... I wanted to check in first and let everyone know that Outpost Crystal is still a viable and functioning camp of civilization in the face of the lawless barbarian hordes who threaten at all times to turn what's left of New Orleans into the war of all against all. It's like Mogadishu out there, but we're in a fixed defensive position and prepared."

You can read more postings from survivors on this blog.

I know a lot of people are having difficulty finding sympathy for those that chose to stay behind during the hurricane, but don't be too hard on them. Louisiana is not used to such devastating hurricanes, not like residents of Florida and the islands of the Caribbean. They had no idea things would be so bad. The average person could not have predicted the levies breaking, though I am sure there are some engineers biting back I told you so's. We are talking about their homes and all their worldly possessions. How easy would it be for you to leave behind EVERYTHING, if that was not a choice you had ever faced before? My point is, while those who remained behind when they were able to evacuate obviously made the wrong choice, the damage is done. Blame is not going to help or change anything. We all make bad choices that we never think will turn out as badly as they do. The damage is done, and now it is time to rebuild and salvage what is left.

And as for the looters, I am sure people have seen the pictures of the black woman with the trash bag and 12-pack of Pepsi and the white couple with the bread and other groceries. It is unfair to say the black woman looted while the white couple "found" supplies. They both stole. Justified or not, they BOTH stole. Present it fairly!